Thank you to everyone who has picked up a copy of Apollo! We have been getting a lot of great feedback and developed the first update, v1.1! If you purchased Apollo before June 18th, then make sure to download the update HERE. This update is included in all new purchases of Apollo. Please continue to send us your comments and suggestions, we are dedicated to making this instrument even better for you!
The Apollo: Cinematic Guitars 1.1 Update contains the following fixes and improvements:
Improved default settings
Improved velocity curve settings
Fixed bug where LFO was triggering panning modulation when Volume was displayed
Added Low Pass filter to the entire Swells category*
Pitch bend is now enabled on all patches
Improved default settings
Improved stability
Ambient Designer
Improved default settings
Improved IR functionality
Major improvement to Ambient Designer’s use of RAM
Added Low Pass filter*
Pitch bend is now enabled
ADSR improvements
Phrase Builder
Improved default settings
Improved IR functionality
Added Low Pass filter to the entire Phrase Builder category*
Pitch bend is now enabled on all patches
Improved default settings
Added Low Pass filter to the entire Instruments category*
Pitch bend is now enabled on all patches
*Trigger the Mod wheel (CC1) on MIDI keyboard to engage, or draw MIDI information in DAW